We started CG Motoparts out of one "lazy" thought. We used to ride everywhere and enjoy motorcycle touring once we were in spare time. Once on the way to Tibet, when we stopped by a fuel station again, the "lazy" thought came into my mind: if only we could have more fuel storage, then we didn't need to stop by stations frequently. When I told the thought to fellow dudes, one answered maybe I could add a portable fuel container at the rear side of my bike. I thought for a while and felt like that it's too trouble to pour the fuel from the extra container to the main fuel tank... Then, we restarted our journey.

That's the origin of aux-fuel tanks from CG Motoparts. A "lazy" idea makes us get together, begin to research and develop about this item, and then give birth to CG Motoparts.
More and more appreciations of riders gave us great encouragement. We put more effort into trying to develop more auxiliary fuel tanks for more models. Meanwhile, we also share other parts and accessories for motorcycles on our website.

We want to be a supplier for motorcycle enthusiasts, to supply the best for motorcycle tours!